Thursday 4 December 2014

Animal Jam Cheats- Paradise Party (for those who play)

 Birds of the Paradise Party
 Red bird of paradise- Located bottom left of the map. Next to the berries. Sits still.
Red Bird Of Paradise – Located bottom left of map. Next to the berries. Sits still.

Read more: Paradise Birds Journey Book Locations
 Wilson's bird of paradise- Middle of map. Appears and disappears.
Victoria's Rifle-bird- Middle of Map. Appears and disappears.
Wilson’s Bird of Paradise – Middle of map. Appears and disappears. Victoria’s Riflebird – Middle of map. Appears and disappears

Read more: Paradise Birds Journey Book Locations
Red Bird Of Paradise – Located bottom left of map. Next to the berries. Sits still.

Read more: Paradise Birds Journey Book Locations
 Lesser bird of paradise- Very bottom of map. Mid right. Appears and disappears.
 King bird of paradise- Left of the bridge, by the stand. Appears and disappears.
 Greater bird of paradise- Located to the right of the map. Appears and disappears.
 King of Saxony bird of paradise- Located middle of map. Sits still.
 Magnificent Rifle-bird- Located middle of map, below bridge. Appears and disappears.
 Western Parotia- Located to the left middle of map. Appears and disappears. Moves very fast.
 Twelve Wired bird of paradise-Located top of map, by the well. On a stick. Appears and Disappears
 Paradise Rifle-bird- Located top of the map. Left of the temple structure. Appears and disappears.
 Blue bird of paradise- Located on the flower cart. Right of the map. Appears and disappears.
Your reward!!!


  1. hi david its melissa from school whats your account mine is idunnowhattoputhere (weird right?)

  2. mines is Swag Cookies, as you can see below ↓
